Your Brain. Your Asset. Your Investment.
Our Mission: To develop your right-brain Fluid Thinking ability
We enhance the 10 Subconscious Thinking Habits that underpin Fluid Thinking
The Benefit: Brain Balance
that delivers greater focus, enhanced productivity, and career acceleration
Our approach is based on the
CHC Theory of Cognitive Abilities
Crystallized Knowledge
Left Hemisphere of the Brain
It is primarily responsible for our 'book smarts' and subject matter expertise
It is where we store Crystallized Knowledge and domain knowledge
This is the approach of the majority of traditional training, coaching, and mentoring
Fluid Thinking
Right Hemisphere of the Brain
Underpins the brain's 'street smarts'
and Fluid Thinking capacity
10Subconscious Thinking Habits
underpin cognitive abilities
This approach uniquely enhances adaptability, learning agility, and brainpower
See our Four Pillars of
subconscious success below.
Four Pillars of Subconscious Success
Focused Thinking - staying focussed on key priorities, rather than being distracted by more interesting, but lower priority issues is key to your performance output.
Research from The Economist magazine states that the hidden cost of low to moderate focus is:
Knowledge workers lose 591 hours per year due to distractions
USD $34,000 per person/per year in lost productivity
Approximately 28% per person/per year of work time is lost to distraction
Globally, distractions and lost focus cost the economy nearly USD $1.4 trillion each year
Our Results and our Clients say:
82% increase in Focused Thinking based on Re-test results
Reclaiming an hour of productivity each day
Eliminating the need for 'hero hours'
Mastering delegation for optimized team productivity
Effortlessly meeting deadlines
Significant boosts in creativity and innovation
Improved work/life balance