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Focussed on You

Our focus is on developing brain efficiency your

Adaptability (readiness to change) and

Learning Agility (speed of change)

 we take a partnership approach with you


Goals &



Short Non-verbal objective Fluid Intelligence Profile


Personalized Adaptive Expertise reports, & HeatMaps for Groups







Highly Adaptive & Agile Leaders based on Retest

Your People

The Adaptive Expertise Program consists of:

  • Fluid Intelligence Profile (Test)

  • Fluid Intelligence Report

  • Adaptive Expertise / Learning Agility Programs which are delivered over 2 – 3 months

  • Re-Testing at the completion of the Program.

The Program can be can be delivered through a combination of 1:1 Individual Sessions, Group Sessions or Workshops and is delivered over 2 – 3 months.


Delivery methodologies include face-to-face, group video-conferencing meetings, and 1:1 personal video-conferencing over the Internet and workshops.


Agility Recruitment Test and Report - the Fluid Intelligence Profile can be used for external recruitment and internal promotional support and enables an 'under the bonnet' exploration of a candidate’s Learning Agility, strengths and interference factors and development needs which supports the interview process and on-boarding of the successful canditate.


The enigmaFIT approach gives you insights into understanding your weaknesses to a much deeper degree than I have experienced through any other form of improvement.

And, more importantly enigmaFIT are able to explain why things happen and how to address them. 

I had a revelation in my delegation.


Jonathan Morgan



Book Smarts Vs Street Smarts
Book Smarts       Street Smarts

Many organizations have invested heavily in assessments, and coaching programs and still find many executives feel good about them, "but there is no behavioral change".
This is a comment frequently mentioned by Human Resources Management and Business Line Mangers - the executive has increased their comprehension and knowledge or Book Smarts which underpins their Crystallized Intelligence but this doesn’t necessarily change behavior.

It is your Fluid Intelligence the underpins and drives your ability to  change and adapt. That’s why unless you are developing the executive’s Fluid Intelligence or Street Smarts you are not giving them the chance to apply the new learning and develop new behaviors.

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