Current Performance ≠ Future Potential

What an executive knows:
Routine Expertise
How an executive adapts:
Adaptive Expertise
Current Performance: The benchmark currently used for the Identification and Development of Executives is usually based on their ‘Routine Expertise or Book Smarts’ which is underpinned by their ‘Crystallized Intelligence’ the breathe and depth of a person’s acquired knowledge over a lifetime. (CHC Theory)
Future Potential: The Information Processing ability which is a ‘raw intelligence’. It is used to solve new/novel problems and is not the result of learned knowledge and skills. It is based on ‘Adaptive Expertise or Street Smarts’ which is underpinned by ‘Fluid Intelligence’. (CHC Theory)
*Based on Cattell–Horn–Carroll Theory
(CHC Theory) of Human Cognitive Abilities 1985
Fluid Intelligence Declines and Half-Life of Knowledge Decreasing
By your early twenties your Fluid Intelligence is declining and as the speed of change quickens and a lot of what you have learnt is becoming redundant in a short space of time. Hence learning adaptability and learning agility are rapidly becoming critically important.
“The world is reshaping itself faster than we can reshape ourselves”. From the World Economic Forum, Davos 2017.
Relying on past experience and business as usual solutions to stay ahead of the pack is no longer an option.
Today’s business leaders need to re-shape themselves and their business, acquire the skills of Adaptive Expertise (Adaptability, Agility and Flexibility) to stay ahead of the pack accelerating their leadership capabilities and shifting the dial on performance within their organizations.

Changes in “Crystallized Intelligence” and “Fluid Intelligence” - J. L Horn & Donaldson, 1980

Shifting the Dial on Your Leadership Agility
The Adaptive Expertise Program (Adaptability, Learning Agility, Flexibility) gives you the ability to understand where people are now and an understanding of how much each executive can shift efficiency and performance.
It identifies and addresses the 'root cause' of performance rather than the 'symptoms' and aims to improve learning agility, strategic agility, mental agility, delegation, communication and more.
Our Programs focus on adapting an executive's brain efficiency (and associated agility leadership capability) quicker than the rate of change of business so that they are in a much better position to proactively manage VUCA, digital disruption, etc.
At the end of the Program, leaders are 're-tested' to see quantitative evidence of change plus it identifies any fine-tuning that needs to occur to support the leader's behavioral change.